Preprint / Version 1

The Politically Polarizing Nature of Political Live-streaming


  • Jason Shinheng Lee



Streaming, Radicalization, echo chambers


In an era where the intersection of politics and digital entertainment is increasingly prevalent, the advent of political live-streaming on platforms like Twitch has introduced a new dimension to political discourse, characterized by its unique potential to both engage younger audiences and exacerbate political polarization. This paper examines the inherently polarizing features of political live-streaming—specifically, the monologic style of streamers, the interactive yet echo chamber-prone nature of live chats, and the resultant feedback loop between streamers and viewers—that foster a pronounced polarizing effect on political discourse. By contrasting the dynamics of live-streamed content with traditional and other contemporary media forms using case study analysis, this paper highlights how political live-streaming fosters ideologically homogeneous communities more prone to political extremism compared to other media platforms. Despite recognizing some benefits of political live-streaming in educating youth, this paper concludes that such pluses are outweighed by its tendency to deepen political divides and perpetuate extreme ideologies at the expense of productive discourse.


