A Technical Review of the Constraints on and Solutions for Low-Carbon Energy Sources
https://doi.org/ 10.47611/harp.102Keywords:
Low-Carbon Energy Sources, Environmental Engineering, Renewable EnergyAbstract
Renewable energy sources have received increasing attention in recent years, as the urgent need to decarbonize the global economy has become ever-clear with rising extreme weather conditions alongside dramatically changing lives and livelihoods. The most promising forms of renewable energy are identified, and the economic and social constraints that need to be overcome to replace carbon-based energy systems are examined. I then identify some of the most prominent forms of renewable energy by analyzing the physical science, scalability, and advantages/disadvantages of these technologies. My analysis shows that solar energy can be one of the most promising technologies because of its ability to be rapidly scaled in many dierent places, require limited maintenance, and provide jobs/return on investment. Within solar, I examine several specific technologies and conclude that crystalline PV has the most potential for rapid deployment to the TerraWatt scale. I continue by examining the current state of business models to identify what constraints need to be addressed to scale and deploy solar and renewable energy more eciently. Here, my analysis finds that the far-reaching embedding of carbon in companies' supply chains, lack of regulated carbon pricing, and poor societal habits are some of the main obstacles that must be addressed if renewable energy is to be eectively incorporated into business and social systems. This research suggests actions for stakeholders who must play a role in scaling and innovating the technology effectively, and civilians who must change their lifestyles to create and adapt to a more sustainable system.
Copyright (c) 2024 Henry Pinner

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