Preprint / Version 1

Attachment And Its Importance


  • Aadi Sharma

DOI: 10.47611/harp.208


Attachment, Psychology


The impact of a child’s relationship with its caregiver has been central to the development of the child ever since ancient humans. The bond formed between the child and its caregiver is called attachment, and the level of attachment a child has with its caregiver influences their social and emotional development all throughout childhood and adolescence. Secure attachment is the attachment that provides the best development for children later on in childhood and adolescence. Secure attachment
has positive effects on social and emotional development in childhood and adolescence. Secure attachment has a positive impact on empathy levels, where children with secure attachment show higher levels of empathy compared with children without secure attachment. Empathy levels are a sign of emotional development and show that secure attachment benefits emotional development. The ideas about how fathers impact their young children on an emotional level has not been largely examined. There are very few studies and experiments done on the specific roles of fathers in the early lives of children. Fathers can affect their child in a myriad of ways, whether it be through their relationship with the child’s mother, or directly through the actions with their child.


